Configuring SAP HANA Backups Using Local (On-Premises) and Cloud Storage

To back up SAP HANA databases running on-premises, configure backups for SAP HANA using local and cloud storage copies with a backup gateway.


  1. From the Command Center navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The database overview page appears.

  2. In the upper-right area of the page, click Add server.

    The Configure Database Server page appears.

  3. Select SAP HANA.

  4. Click Next.

    The Select Your Database Environment page appears.

  5. Select Database running on-premises.

  6. From the Infrastructure list, select the type of database infrastructure.

    An active trial or an active subscription is required.

  7. Click CONTINUE.

    The How do you want to deploy your backup? page appears.

  8. Select Backup via backup gateway (Recommended).

  9. Click NEXT.

    The Backup Gateway page appears.

  10. Select an existing backup gateway or create a new backup gateway.

  11. Click Next.

    The Local Storage page appears.

  12. Determine if you want to back up to cloud storage only or to local storage:

    • To back up to cloud storage only, move the Back up to cloud storage only toggle to the right.

    • To back up to local storage, select a location from the Storage location list.

  13. Click Next.

    The Cloud Storage page appears.

  14. Review the supported combinations of primary and secondary storage, see Commvault Cloud Storage Options.

  15. To use only an on-premises storage, move the Only use on-premises storage toggle key to the right.

  16. Decide whether to store a secondary copy of the backup data for long-term retention. To use an existing storage, from the Storage location list, select a storage.

    For information about creating a new storage, see Creating a Cloud Storage for SAP HANA Server Backups With a Backup Gateway Configuration.

  17. Click Next.

    The Plan page appears.

  18. Select an existing backup plan or create a new backup plan.

  19. Click Next.

    The Install Package page appears.

  20. To perform an interactive installation, complete the following:

    1. Select Interactive installation.

    2. Download the SAP HANA package, and then install it on the server you want to back up.

    3. Copy the authcode, and then use it to authenticate the SAP HANA package on the server.

    4. In the Server name drop-down list, select the name of the server.

  21. To perform a push installation, select Push installation.

  22. Select one or more database servers from the list at the bottom of the page, or add a new database server. To add a new database server, click +, then complete the following in the Add database server page:

    1. In the Host name box, enter the host name.

    2. For OS type, select the operating system.

    3. Select a saved credential or create a credential.

      Steps to create credential
      1. Click +.

        The Add credential dialog box appears. Enter the following details:

        1. Credential Vault: select a credential vault from the list.

        2. Credential name: Enter a name for the credentials that you are creating.

        3. User account: Enter the user account from the user account box.

        4. Password/Passphrase: Enter the password for the account.

        5. Description: Enter a description of the credentials.

      2. Click Save.

    4. If you select Unix operating system, do the following:

    5. In the UNIX group box, enter the name of the Unix group.

    6. In the SSH port number box, verify the port number.

    7. If you want to use SSH instead of user credentials, move the Use SSH key toggle to the right, and then in the SSH key path box, enter the file path.

    8. To use an SSH key file passphrase, move the Use SSH key file passphrase toggle key to the right, and the in the Passphrase box, enter the passphrase for the SSH key.

    9. Click SAVE.

  23. Click Next.

    The Backup Content page appears.

  24. Review the list of instances that will be protected.

  25. Click NEXT.

    The Summary page appears.

  26. Review the summary.

  27. Click Finish.
