You can view subscription usage for Microsoft 365 in the Microsoft 365 - Enterprise Usage Report, the Microsoft 365 - Standard Usage Report, and the Microsoft 365 - Capacity Report depending depending on the subscription packages your company purchased. Capacity for all supported applications is included for all packages.
Current and Peak Usage
Current usage is the current amount of data protected or the current number of unique users protected at any given time. The current usage changes any time the size of protected data increases or decreases, or any time a user is added or removed. You can view the current usage in the Month to Date Usage chart for the Capacity Usage report, the Enterprise Usage report, and the Standard Usage report.
Peak usage is the largest amount of data protected or the highest number of unique users protected during a month. The peak continues to grow over time as more data is protected and more users are added for your company. Peak usage does not decrease if data protection decreases or unique users decrease. If a user was protected for one or more days in the month, the user is counted as part of the total user usage. The user is counted even if it is removed from a backup schedule or if backup data was deleted from the system within the same month. If the user is not backed up in the following months, it is not counted as part of subscription usage for those months.
You can view peak usage for the month to date or last 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months in any of the usage charts for the Capacity Usage report, the Enterprise Usage report, and the Standard Usage report.
Usage Summary
The Usage Summary page lists all of the O365 subscriptions that were purchased for your company in the Subscriptions table. The table includes information such as whether the license was purchased, subscription start date, and the amount of capacity purchased.
Service: The license subscription. To view a detailed report about the subscription usage, click the link.
Type: Indicates whether the subscription is paid.
Start Date: The date that the subscription began.
End Date: The date that the subscription ends.
Purchased: The number of users or amount of capacity purchased with the subscription.
Used: The number of users or amount of capacity that have been consumed.
Summary: The percentage of the subscription that has been consumed.