You can back up your Amazon DocumentDB instances directly to the cloud, without configuring or installing backup gateways, using the Commvault Cloud infrastructure.
Start the Configuration Wizard
From the Command Center navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.
The Instances page appears.
In the upper-right area of the page, click Add instance, and then select Cloud database service.
The Add Cloud DB Instance page appears.
Select Amazon Web Services and then click NEXT.
The Select a Database Service page appears.
Select DocumentDB and then click NEXT.
The Select Backup Method page appears.
Select "Back up using Commvault Cloud infrastructure"
Select Back up using Commvault Cloud infrastructure.
Click NEXT.
The Configure Permissions page of the Configure Amazon database - DocumentDB configuration wizard appears.
Configure Permissions
Click the Launch the CloudFormation Stack link to open the AWS account in the AWS console.
If you do not have permission to create a role in the AWS account, copy the Launch the CloudFormation Stack link and share it with your AWS IAM administrator.
Log on to the AWS console.
The Quick create stack page appears.
Under Capabilities, read the information about the template, and then select the acknowledgment check box.
Click Create stack.
Wait for the CloudFormation Stack to finish creating the MetallicTenantRole IAM role.
The CloudFormation Stack creates the following policies, and then attaches the policies to MetallicTenantRole:
After the stack is created, on the Outputs tab of the AWS console, copy the ExternalID and IAMRole (ARN of MetallicTenantRole) key values.
Return to the Commvault Cloud configuration wizard.
For Credential, select existing credentials or create new credentials.
The credentials must have an external ID and an IAM role ARN—the values that you copied from the Outputs tab of the AWS console in the preceding step:
If you select existing credentials, to verify that the credentials have an external ID and an IAM role ARN, click the edit button
If you create new credentials, make sure to enter the external ID and the IAM role ARN.
If you create a new IAM role (to use instead of the MetallicTenantRole IAM role) and you attach the new role to the Commvault Cloud backup gateway that handles your Amazon DocumentDB instance backups, make sure to update the credentials with the new external ID.
Click NEXT.
The Region page of the configuration wizard appears.
Select the region that the clusters reside in.
Only the regions where Commvault Cloud backup gateways are present are available to select.
Click NEXT.
The Select Cloud Storage page of the configuration wizard appears.
Cloud Storage
For the backup data, select an existing S3 storage bucket or create a new S3 storage bucket.
Steps to create an S3 storage bucket
Click the add button
The Add cloud storage dialog box appears.
From the Type list, select Amazon S3.
In Name, enter a descriptive name for the cloud storage.
For Storage class, select the storage class for the type of access that you want to have for the backup data.
The Region, Service host, Authentication, and Credentials will be selected automatically.
In Bucket, enter the Amazon S3 bucket name.
Click SAVE.
Click NEXT.
The Plan page of the configuration wizard appears.
A backup plan specifies the storage to back up the data to and other settings such as recovery point objective (RPO) settings.
Select an existing backup plan or create a new backup plan.
Steps to create a backup plan
Click the add button
The Add plan dialog box appears.
In the Plan name box, enter a descriptive name for the backup plan.
For the backup plan settings, select pre-defined settings or create custom settings:
To select pre-defined settings, under Retention rules, select one of the following:
- Select Standard retention to retain the incremental backups for 1 month.
To create custom settings, select Custom plan, and then specify the following:
For Retention, specify the amount of time to retain the backup jobs.
For Backups run every, specify how often to run backups.
Click DONE.
Click NEXT.
The Cloud Account page of the configuration wizard appears.
Cloud Account
The cloud account is used to access the databases for discovery, backups, and other operations.
In Cloud account name, enter the name of the account.
Click NEXT.
The Backup Content page of the configuration wizard appears.
Backup Content
Review the list of clusters that will be protected.
Click NEXT.
The Summary page of the configuration wizard appears.
Review the summary.