Scheduling Dev-Test Jobs

You can schedule Dev-Test groups to create virtual labs according to a schedule.


  1. In the CommCell Browser, click Dev-Test & DR > Dev-Test Groups.

    The Dev-Test Groups tab appears.

  2. Under Group Name, right-click a group and click All Tasks > Schedule.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  3. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For Example:

    1. In the Schedule Name box, type a name for the schedule.

    2. Click Weekly.

    3. In the Start Time box, type 18:00.

    4. In the On these days section, select Friday.

    5. Under Repeat, in the Every N Week(s) box, type or select 2.

    6. Click OK.

    When the scheduled job runs, you can track the progress of the job in the Job Controller tab.

What To Do Next
