Support for Red Hat OpenShift 4.x Resources

This page lists the Red Hat OpenShift 4.x resources that Commvault supports.

Supported Resources

  • APIServer

  • Authentication

  • Build

  • BuildConfig

  • CertificateSigningRequest

  • ClusterOperator

  • ClusterRole

  • ClusterRoleBinding

  • ClusterVersion

  • ConfigMap

  • Console

  • CredentialsRequest

  • CronJob

  • CustomResourceDefinition

  • DaemonSet

  • Deployment

  • DeploymentConfig

  • DNS

  • Event

  • FeatureGate

  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler

  • Image

  • ImageStream

  • Infrastructure

  • Ingress

  • IngressClass

  • Job

  • LimitRange

  • MutatingWebhookConfiguration

  • Network

  • NetworkPolicy

  • Node

  • OAuth

  • OperatorHub

  • PersistentVolumeClaim

  • Pod

  • PodDisruptionBudget

  • Project

  • ReplicaSet

  • ReplicationController

  • ResourceQuota

  • Role

  • RoleBinding

  • Route

  • RuntimeClass

  • Secret

  • Service

  • ServiceAccount

  • StatefulSet

  • ValidatingWebhookConfiguration

Unsupported Resources

  • Alertmanager

  • AlertmanagerConfig

  • APIRequestCount

  • APIService

  • Authentication

  • BareMetalHost

  • CatalogSource

  • CloudCredential

  • Cluster

  • ClusterAutoscaler

  • ClusterCSIDriver

  • ClusterNetwork

  • ClusterResourceQuota

  • ClusterServiceVersion

  • Config

  • Console

  • ConsoleCLIDownload

  • ConsoleExternalLogLink

  • ConsoleLink

  • ConsoleNotification

  • ConsolePlugin

  • ConsoleQuickStart

  • ConsoleYAMLSample

  • ContainerRuntimeConfig

  • ControllerConfig

  • ControllerRevision

  • CSIDriver

  • CSINode

  • CSISnapshotController

  • DNS

  • DNSRecord

  • EgressNetworkPolicy

  • EgressRouter

  • EndpointSlice

  • Etcd

  • FlowSchema

  • HelmChartRepository

  • HostSubnet

  • Image

  • ImageContentSourcePolicy

  • ImagePruner

  • ImageSignature

  • ImageStreamImage

  • ImageStreamImport

  • ImageStreamMapping

  • ImageStreamTag

  • ImageTag

  • IngressController

  • InstallPlan

  • IPPool

  • KubeAPIServer

  • KubeControllerManager

  • KubeletConfig

  • KubeScheduler

  • KubeStorageVersionMigrator

  • Lease

  • Machine

  • MachineAutoscaler

  • MachineConfig

  • MachineConfigPool

  • MachineHealthCheck

  • MachineSet

  • Namespace

  • NetNamespace

  • Network

  • NetworkAttachmentDefinition

  • OAuthClient

  • OpenShiftAPIServer

  • OpenShiftControllerManager

  • Operator

  • OperatorCondition

  • OperatorGroup

  • OperatorPKI

  • OverlappingRangeIPReservation

  • PackageManifest

  • PersistentVolume

  • PodMonitor

  • PodNetworkConnectivityCheck

  • PodSecurityPolicy

  • PreviewFeature

  • PriorityClass

  • PriorityLevelConfiguration

  • Probe

  • Profile

  • Project

  • ProjectRequest

  • Prometheus

  • PrometheusRule

  • Provisioning

  • Proxy

  • RangeAllocation

  • RangeAllocation

  • ResourceAccessReview

  • RoleBindingRestriction

  • Scheduler

  • SecurityContextConstraints

  • SelfSubjectAccessReview

  • SelfSubjectRulesReview

  • ServiceCA

  • ServiceMonitor

  • Storage

  • StorageClass

  • StorageState

  • StorageVersionMigration

  • SubjectAccessReview

  • Subscription

  • ThanosRuler

  • TokenReview

  • Tuned

  • UpgradeConfig

  • User

  • VolumeAttachment

  • VolumeSnapshot

  • VolumeSnapshotClass

  • VolumeSnapshotContent
