Space Reclamation - Online Help

Use this dialog box to select the criteria for a space reclamation operation.

  • Select Source MediaAgent

    Allows you to select the source MediaAgent from which you will run the space reclamation job.

    The MediaAgent should be one of the MediaAgents displayed in the Data Paths tab of the Copy Properties dialog box.

    When the <Any MediaAgent> is selected, the system automatically picks up the appropriate MediaAgent, especially when multiple MediaAgents are associated with the copy. This ensures faster reads from the copy.

  • Reclamation Level

    Select the level of reclamation to be done. On the slider the numbers indicate the percentage of unused data blocks that can be defragmented.

    • 1 is equal to 80% (Least aggressive reclamation, low I/O on the disk)

    • 2 is equal to 60%

    • 3 is equal to 40%

    • 4 is equal to 20% (Most aggressive reclamation, higher I/O on the disk)

  • Clean Orphan Data

    Select the option to prune the orphan chunks and the orphan blocks.

  • No of Streams to be used in Parallel

    • Number of Streams

      Allows you to select the number of data streams whose backups are verified at the same time during the data verification operation.

    • Allow Maximum

      If selected, the maximum number of data streams will be verified at the same time during the data verification operation.

  • Description

    Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

  • Use Scalable Resource Allocation

    To enhance the scalability of the space reclamation operation and to optimize the processes of scaling the resources, select this option. For more information, see Scalable Resource Allocation.

    This option is enabled by default.

  • Advanced

    Use this option to add job alert.
