Warm Site Recovery for Replication Groups

A warm site recovery replicates a source VM without creating a destination VM on the disaster recovery (DR) site. You can use the warm site for a replication group to create the disaster recovery VM only during failover for non-critical VMs.


  • No usage of DR site resources and cost until failover.

  • Perform point-in-time failover, test failover, or undo failover irrespective of the hypervisor limitation.

  • Override destination VM details after the replication group is created.

Supported Hypervisors

  • Amazon Web Services

  • Azure Resource Manager

  • Azure Stack

  • Google Cloud Platform

  • Hyper-V

  • VMware

Supported Operations

  • Planned Failover

  • Unplanned Failover

  • Failback

  • Undo Failover

  • Point in Time Failover

  • Test Failover
